
EROVET promotion activities continue at full speed in Turkey

EROVET promotion activities continue at full speed in Turkey

As we approach the celebrations of Europe Day on 9th May, EROVET + promotion activities continue in full swing in Turkey. The last of the comprehensive studies were carried out by EROVET + Turkish partner Ortaköy 80.Yıl MTAL in Mamak district last...

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13 May, 2021


Blended mobility can be defined as a planned combination of geographic and structured virtual collaboration. The European Commission has announced that blended mobility will play an important role in the Erasmus program for 2021-2027. Blended...

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18 Mar, 2021
Destination: Lifelong Learning

Destination: Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning has become increasingly important, at an international level, for different bodies, such as the EU, UNESCO and the OECD.

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17 Nov, 2020

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