1.- Scope of the personal data protection policy
This personal data protection policy covers all data processing that may occur when you browse or interact with any of our websites or the social networks in which we may have a presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). At the end of this document, specific information is given for the use of social networks. This policy is also applicable to any internal procedure of the project that requires the collection of data in electronic forms, paper format, or any other system.
On the website and associated social media networks, you can consult information and, in some cases, fill in forms, answer surveys, participate in contests, make enquiries, send photographs, incorporate comments, etc. In all cases, this may entail the transfer of personal data, the processing of which is subject to our privacy policy.
2.- Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data and how can you contact them?
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of April 27, 2016, we hereby inform you that the personal data you provide will be handled by various bodies and organizations which can be found at:
Name of the entity to contact and how you can contact them:
Consorci GLOBALleida (Spain):
Ortaköy 80.Yıl Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey): or
Escola Profissional AMAR TERRA VERDE (Portugal):
i.i.s.s des ambrois (Italy): or by email
Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School (Lithuania):
Institut Escola del Treball (Spain):
Dieythynsi Deyterobathmias Ekpaideysis N. Rodopis (Greece):
Landkreis Osnabrück (Germany):
3.- What personal information is collected and for what reason?
Details are given in the following table about the data that are collected and the reasons for doing so:
Purpose: | To improve job prospects and personal development. |
Applicable to: | Training programme students over 14 years of age, participating in the EROVET project. |
Type of data: | Identification details: Passport/tax/identification document number, name and surname, address, telephone number, email address. Personal details: Education/training, skills and competencies. Professional details: Work experience. |
Legal justification: | Regulation (EU) No. 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and Council, of 11 December 2013. |
Notifications: | Those provided for by the applicable legislation. |
Purpose: | To respond to requests for information. |
Applicable to: | Anyone who fills in the form on the website. |
Type of data: | Identification details: name, telephone number and email address. |
Legal justification: | The request for information itself. |
Notifications: | Those who make the request, always within the scope of the project. |
Your consent may be withdrawn at any time.
4.- What regulations control our use of your personal data?
The handling of personal data is governed by Regulation (EU) No. 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and Council, dated 11 December 2013, which is the legal framework in which the EROVET project has been developed.
5.- Publication of photos or videos on the website or associated social networks
With respect to the publication of photographs or videos of our employees, clients, users, or minors on the website or social networks, as well as the collection of data for the purpose of a contest or the processing of any other personal data, the prior, explicit, indisputable and informed consent of the holder must be obtained. In the case of minors below the age of 14 years, such consent must be given by the individual’s parents or legal guardians.
The use given to any photos will be in compliance with the principle of proportionality, which is to say they will be used strictly and exclusively for the purpose for which the consent is given.
6.- Non-pertinent data
The project partners inform the user that, with the exception of a legally constituted representative, no user is permitted to use the identity or communicate any personal data belonging to another person. That is, the user must at all times only provide personal data corresponding to their own identity, and such data must be appropriate, relevant, current, accurate and true.
7.- How long will we keep your data?
All project partners will keep your personal data as long as is necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.
8.- Who will we pass your data on to?
The project partners will only pass your data on to the services indicated in this document and only in legally authorised cases. No international transfer of your personal data will take place.
In the case of social networks, due to the nature of the service, all the information and content published by the user can be consulted by, and shared with, the other users of the social network in question.
9.- Security measures
The project partners undertake to guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of any personal data collected. With this express purpose in mind, the partners have taken the necessary security measures to prevent the loss or unauthorised processing, alteration or access to such data to ensure their integrity and security.
The user is responsible for the proper safeguarding of their username and password and undertakes not to make them available to third parties. The user is also obliged to inform the partners of any, theft, loss or risk of third party access to their user data.
10.- What are your rights when you provide us with your personal information?
Access | The right to consult the personal data managed by us. |
As detailed in section 2 of this document. |
Modification | The right to modify any incorrect data. | |
Elimination | The right to eliminate any personal data. | |
Non-compliance | The right to request non-processing of your personal data. | |
Data processing limitations | Limitations can be requested when: – A challenge to the accuracy of the data is verified – When we do not need to process your data, but you need them to exercise or defend any claims or rights
| |
Portability | The right to receive the data that you have provided in electronic format. | |
If you believe that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you can contact the corresponding project partner using the contact details provided in section 2 of this document. If you so wish, you may file a complaint with the control authority of the corresponding country. To exercise your rights, please send your request with an attached copy of your Passport/Identification/Tax number or similar document. Exercising these rights implies no personal cost to you. |
Social networks
The operation of the social networks is not under the direct control of the project partners and, therefore, the information you publish can be consulted and shared by all users of that network. Likewise, these networks allow interaction with other users and, therefore, certain premises detailed below should be taken into account.
The purpose of the use of social networks is to give visibility to the project and facilitate its dissemination by the different partners.
In principle, the data protection policy specified in this document is applicable to the collection, processing and transfer of data.
The user undertakes:
- Not to publish information that does not meet the requirements of truthfulness, public interest and respect for the dignity of the people concerned. Most especially, the user is obliged to avoid any conduct that could violate the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of sex, race, religion, ideology or any other personal or social circumstance, or violate the privacy, honour and image of any other person. The ultimate responsibility for the veracity and legality of any content that is posted lies with the poster.
- Not to record or post images, videos or any other type of digital recording without the prior consent of the party/parties concerned.
The project partners do not necessarily concur with the opinions expressed by others or with the ideology of the profiles of the friends of the partners in any social network.
The project partners reserve the right to remove from their social networks any information published by others that violates or encourages the violation of the principle of legality, or which contains messages that violate the dignity of individuals or institutions. The project partners additionally reserve the right to block and/or report to the authorities the profile of the author of such messages.
Recommendations to users:
- Review and read the general conditions of use and the privacy policy of the social network at the time of registration.
- Learn the configurational and operational options that the network offers.
- Ensure that the social network privacy settings are appropriately adjusted.
- Do not post too much information about your personal and family life.
- Take special care when posting audiovisual content and graphics on your profile, especially if you are hosting images related to third parties.
- Do not offer third party data without their prior consent.
The social networks that are managed within the framework of the project are:
Social network | Address | | | | |
YouTube | |

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.