Partners of the EROVET Project

Institut Escola del Treball
+34 973231549
Pi i Margall, 51
25004 Lleida (Spain)

Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde
+35 1253322016
Praça das Comunidades Geminadas, 1
4731-909 Vila Verde (Portugal)

+90 3123990771
Samsun Yolu No:14
06105 Ankara (Turkey)

Directorate of Secondary Education of Rodopi (Διεύθυνση Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Ν. Ροδόπης)

VET Centre Zirmunai
Profesinio mokymo centras "Žirmūnai"
+370 52776712
Žirmūnų st. 143
LT-09128 Vilnius (Lithuania)

Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale e per Geometri "Aulo Ceccato"
+39 0445 361554
Via Bortolo Lino Vanzetti, 14,
36016 Thiene VI, (Italy)

Lycee general technique gaston berger

UTC Crewe

Consorci GLOBALleida
Project Coordinator of EROVET

Landkreis Osnabrück

i.i.s. des ambrois

Institut Escola del treball
Background and Experience
Institut Escola del Treball is located in Lleida, Catalonia, and it offers a great variety of vocational studies. Our students (approximately 700) are from Lleida and from surrounding villages. About 300 are taking the Middle Vocational studies (EQF4) and about 400 are taking Advanced Vocational studies (EQF5). There are 60 teachers in the school. Our strategic lines are:
- Dual System: We are currently offering the dual system for the Commerce, Carpentry, Administration and Logistics studies. These students combine training both at school and at the company. About 40 companies are involved in this project. The students who do not take the dual system, are placed in internships for about 350 hours during their two-year period training at our school.
- European mobility: We are involved and also very active in different European projects related to individual mobility abroad. We hold the Erasmus Chart and we send students to different countries for both Study Training Mobilities and for Work Placement Mobilities, both under the Erasmus+ program, KA1 Action. We are also involved in the ECVET initiative of transfer and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences acquired abroad of our students in International Trade. We belong to the NETINVET Association (, an European sustainable network that promotes students mobilities. We also send teachers abroad on job shadowing and on teaching mobilities. This allows us to have a good relationship with our partners abroad, visit companies, share knowledge and work on joint projects.
- Transfer of innovation: We offer transfer of innovation to companies and institutions.
- Employment opportunities: We have a job pool which is well known both by companies, students and former students. We upload all the job offers in our web page and students can download an APP that allows them to follow on a real time basis all the job offers publicised. We also offer job dating sessions. In these sessions business consulting companies come to our school to interview students. This trains our students to undergo job interviews.
- Quality management: Our school has been certified according to ISO standards in quality management ( both the ISO9001 and the ISO14001) and has also been allowed recognition based on the EFQM model.
- Long life orientation and guidance: We offer our students an orientation service that allows them to choose the best career path. We show them their training possibilities and the recognition of their work experience.
- New methodologies: We are currently implementing and piloting project based learning (PLB) in the Renewable energies studies. We aim to train them by working on real projects. Some institutions and companies work together with us by offering challenges to our students.
- Entrepreneurship: We believe that efforts should be devoted to improve the abilities of our trainees in the creation of sustainable entrepreneurial projects. That is why we offer our students entrepreneurial activities throughout the whole year: The entrepreneurial week (full of workshops, lectures and technical activities), Entrepreneurial pills (one each month), … among others.
Moreover, we are quite active on entrepreneurship and we promote the entrepreneurial attitude of our students. So far, we have set up an Entrepreneurial Lab in our school in order to help our students with their projects. Teachers in the lab assess students and guide them through the development of the project in order to make them feasible. Furthermore, each school year, we organise an entrepreneurial week, with speakers from different parts of Catalonia. Our students attend the lectures done during the week and value them highly.
Olga Castilla Corsa
Head of studies and Entrepreneurship Coordinator
+34 654555811

Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde
Background and Experience
Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde (EPATV) is a vocational school of about 750 students, 70 teachers and 29 non-teaching staff. It is located in an mainly rural area, with unqualified populations suffering of severe socio-economic problems. EPATV was born from a tripartite partnership between three townhalls of the municipalities of Amares, Terras de Bouro and Vila Verde. Actually is a private institution under the Ministry of Education supervision. The institution objective is to prepare students so that they can be integrated in the labor market with success, to aulify youth and, consequently, the regional human resources improving living conditions. EPATV has been developing – and still does – Learning partnerships with several other countries as Mozambique, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Libia, Cape Verde and Saint Tome and Principe. For some years now EPATV is a Eco-School and has been strengthening its environmental friendliness. Besides it, EPATV is recognized by DGERT, receives the 5th award Green Flag Eco-Schools, renewed its Quality Certification according with the ISO 9001/2008 norm.
EPATV has several active internship protocols and has a project of creating an Gastronomy Superior School in partnership with the Basque Culinary Center of Spain. We are a vocational school, thus we prepare students to face the labor market in order to prepare them with more suitable knowledge and skills in what concerns their placement in the Labor Market. Considering this, we are deeply interested in evaluating the reasons that underlie youth unemployement (particularly in what regards our graduated) as well as to assess trends of the labor market, and we have been following them through our Employability Observatory, and adapting our conditions in order to perform better employability of our graduates in the labor market. All the staff of the school is strongly directed towards the praticality of the skills and competences later in the labor market, what turns our teaching staff in an active part in this process.

Background and Experience
Mamak Ortaköy 80.Yıl Technical and Vocational High School is a new established, 10 years ago, vocational and industrial high school nearby a village in the rural area of Ankara and has over 1200 pupils, adults aged 15-20+, it also provides adult education to the students who have no chance to get their education at daytime because of their working life. There is a pre-primary school in the same campus area of the school which gives education to the children of the village that gives its name to the vocational school.
Most of the students come from the underdeveloped area of the city whose families have low-level income and low-level educational background. It is an area that appears very cheap to live in, for the population which comes from the outside of the city esp. from the far east regions of Turkey to settle down.
Our vocational school has a very young and enthusiastic staff that wants to give the best education to the people of the area with the departments below: Furniture Design Technologies, Electricity – Electronics Technologies, Machinery Technologies, Metal Technologies, Computer Technologies, Climating and Ventilation Technologies. Most of the departments are very appropriate for the students to get a profession if the appropriate educational environment can be designed and more effective guidance can be given to them.
We as a VET School in Ankara represented by highly qualified project team as well as with experts in different fields and areas. School finished a LdV Partnerships project has 9 partner institutions from 7 European countries and the web page We coordinated this project to guide disabled individuals to right profession.
Students finished an e-twinning project “Pek,The traveller Flea#2” has 15 partners from 12 European countries. “Pek,The traveller Flea#3” won next year e-twinning prize. 3 more e-tw projects just finished and 4 more is ongoing. School project team is also coordinating 3 KA2 SP project at the moment, 4 more as partner. We as school project team wish to be full of enthusiasm to share the necessary knowledge, to be well trained in educational and vocational areas.

Directorate of Secondary Education of Rodopi
(Διεύθυνση Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Ν. Ροδόπης)
Background and Experience
The Directorate of Secondary Education of Rodopi belongs to the Peripheral Directorate of Secondary Education of East Macedonia and Trace which is a branch of the Ministry of Education of Greece. Its former appellation since 1971 was General Educational Inspectorate of Secondary Education” and it was renamed “Directorate of Secondary Education under the Greek law 1304/1982. The head offices of the institution are situated in Komotini, the capital of the prefecture of Rodopi.
There are 25 school units (A school with students with special needs is included) and about 6000 students, ages from 13 -20 years old under the responsibility of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Rodopi. The Institution promotes the conduct of various programmes concerning environmental, cultural, health issues and places. The mission of our institution is to educate children using formal and informal methods and to help them to help them to involve into active social life and to organize various events , trainings aimed at increasing the level of their general development and social-cultural education acting with the principal “with them and for them”.
The specialists of the organization have taken on the responsibility to educate a certain group of younger educator and younger emphasizing the upgrade of their educational level, mounding their interest towards European citizenship and human rights. We talk to them about how to be an active citizen, to teach in their students and in their group straight against unemployment, to be involve in nowadays developing areas, to cooperate with youth from other countries and to learn their practice in solving the same problems.
Also we work with socially disadvantaged children and youth and we try to help this population to feel like other. Our staff consists of Teachers with previous experience in European programmes. Every team member was responsible for their own group of students and leading own projects.

Istituto Tecnico Commerciale
Statale e per Geometri “Aulo
Background and Experience
“Aulo Ceccato “ is an Italian secondary school , situated in Thiene, Vicenza, Italy, providing technical and vocational education to students from 14 to 19 years old. Number of students: 821; teachers : 97. Scope of the school: for the first two years the school offers a general cultural education (Italian, History, Maths, Biology, Law studies, Economic studies, English), while in the last three it provides vocational education and training. Educational areas covered during the last three years are: business, marketing, accountancy, tourism, land surveying, information technology, wood technology applied to buildings, chemist, agro-industrial technologies, farming technologies, environment management and conservation.
Achievements common to all courses are:
- Use of general knowledge and specific knowledge in the different specialisations.
- Accurate use of the first language (Italian). English (for all courses), French, German and Spanish ( marketing/tourism)
- Optional external certifications of the use of English (PET, FIRST, CAE,BEC), German (ZERTIFIKAT DEUTSCH), French (DELF) and Spanish (DELE).
- Optional EDCL certification. Use of Word and Excel of Office package for Windows

Vilnius tourism and commerce school
Background and Experience
Vilnius tourism and commerce school is a vocational school in Vilnius city and region. The school provides vocational and general education. The school consists of 3 departments: business and commerce, hotel and restaurant and general education.
Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School is a member of Lithuanian Association of Innovative Vocational Education Institutions, AEHT – Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools, Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts. In 2014 school established trade and business sectoral practical training centre, which has the latest commercial equipment. The school belongs to the Lithuanian innovative vocational schools association and participate in its organized “Young Entrepreneur” competitions.
The school is a partner of international organization Junior Achievement, at forsteers students to open their small businesses to develop entrepreneurship skills while learning at school. The school operates a business practical teaching firm “VIGORA”, which belongs to the international European international network. At school there are established students training companies under international Junior Achievement programme.
The school operates “Demo” store and student teaching shop CENTUKAS. In 2013 at Siauliai vocational training competition in our school students won the “best trader” second prize and special jury prize. The section consists of highly skilled professionals from 15 vocational teachers 2 experts, 5 methodologists. Trainers are constantly improving their qualifications: in 2013, 5 teachers participated in the project “VET teachers’ technological competencies development system Development and Implementation” and learn about the work and process organization in various Lithuanian companies.
Vilnius tourism and commerce school has more than 10 years international experience in Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Nord Plus projects, now under the name Erasmus+. Since 2015 the school has developed Internationalization strategy and European Mobility Charter. It’s also a member of Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts. In Vilnius tourism and commerce school there is a practice firm „Vigora“ established and coordinated by “Simulith” centre, selling women’s clothes and accessories. “Vigora“ belongs to European International Network. In 2014 practice firm „Vigora“ represented Lithuania in the 50th International Practice Firm Fair in Germany.
The school belongs to the Lithuanian Innovative Professional Education Association and participates in its organized Young Entrepreneur competitions. There are several start-up companies under the Junior Achievement programme. Vilnius tourism and commerce school also coordinates Erasmus + KA2 project. Every year the school carries out Erasmus+ projects for business department students to enchance their professional skills in international environment. This year 6 students had internship in the UK, Finland and Portugal in the frame of Erasmus+ KA1 mobility project. Erasmus+ KA1 mobility project enabled 5 profession teachers to gain valuable experience for their work teaching students entrepreneurship skills.

Lycee general technique gaston berger
Background and Experience
The Lycée Gaston Berger is a public center located in the urban area of Lille, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, with a wide range of structured training and managed in four types of education: general education, higher education, professional education and alternating education.
Gaston Berger is a High School receiving around 2700 students (bac and post bac studies) in the field of services: economics, trading, accountancy, management.
- General Education: Formations BAC
- Science and Technology Management
- Marketing o Human resources
- Management and Finance
- Management Information System
- Higher education: BTS training (vocational studies in the following fields)
- Commerce (International Trade, Transport and Logistics, Business Marketing and Management, Commercial Technician, Operational Commercial Management)
- Administration (Insurance, Bank, Communication, Accounting and Management, Management Assistance, Negotiation and Digitization of Customer Relationship, Notaries, SME Management)
- Data processing (IT services)
- Tourism
- Preparatory Classes and Licenses:
- Accounting Expertise: Diploma in Accounting and Management (DCG)
- ENS Cachan (Economics and Management – D2)Economy Management
- L3 Preparation ATS Economies Management
- Economic and Commercial (Economic option, Scientific option, Technological option
- Professional License AGEFI
- Alternating training
- Work-study training in 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree in Management Sciences.
- Work-study training in the 3rd year of a Business Course Accounting License.
- Training courses for Managerial Action or SME Management Assistant.
- Alternate training of apprentices in professionalization contract (AXA, AG2R La Mondiale, BNP, SG).
Our four main axes are:
- Turn personal ambitions into a collective momentum.
- Affirming initiative and sense of responsibility as complements to knowledge.
- Make solidarity one of the levers of individual success.
- Consider the human component as an essential variable of performance.
Our Services are:
- Online Scholarships
- Sport, Culture and International.
- Cultural outings. visits mainly for our students in preparatory classes and BTS (Theater, technical visits).
- Sports activities
- International. ERASMUS: We send and host students form different countries on Internship and study programmes.
- Accommodation: We facilitate student’s accommodation during their stay at Lycée (boarding, the Crous Gaston Berger partnership, private retail, offers accommodation
- Restoration: Gaston Berger’s school catering is open to students from Monday to Friday.
- Transport network: Information for scholars and non-fellows: For your daily trips,
- Immersions in formations Post BAC: The immersions allow the future candidates to discover the BTS or Preparatory Classes which interest them, by directly attending the courses of the freshmen and also to discover our campus.
- Companies: Gaston Berger is strongly anchored in the local socio-economic fabric. A privileged and personalized collaboration in the following fields:
- Occupational integration (internships and 1st job): Business School Day, Career Center, Viadeo, Linkedin
- Educational Partnerships. Many professionals are involved in our training courses, including licensing.
- Continuing. Education. Gaston Berger, based on his specific know-how in the fields of business management and management, creates a comprehensive training offer adapted to the needs of professionals, detailed in the Alternance section of our website.

UTC Crewe
Background and Experience
Crewe Engineering and Design UTC is a 14-19 unique specialist provision in Cheshire East. It works alongside a number of significant employer partners who actively engage in curriculum design in order to better prepare the workforce of the future for onward employment, education and training. Students are the UTC are exposed to a unique learning experience with the full scale of engineering and design disciplines and opportunities.
Employer engagement is a key part of the curriculum for all students who attend the UTC, which benefits from being partnered with a variety of key businesses including; Air Products, Arriva Train Care, Bentley Motors, Bosch, Cheshire East Council, James Walker, LEONI, Network Rail, Optical 3D, OSL Global, the Royal Air Force, Siemens and Unipart Logistics. Employer engagement takes shape in many ways, ranging from employer-led curriculum projects to site visits – ensuring that young people have the opportunity to engage with professionals with vast industry experience, providing them with a unique insight and work experience opportunities and in turn boosting their long-term employability and knowledge particularly in the priority disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Design.
The UTC opened in September 2017 and currently has 225 students on role, with this anticipated to increase to 250 from September 2019. The facilities of the UTC have capacity to accommodate up to 800 learners in the future. The provision’s curriculum aligns mainly with the specialisms of Engineering and Design- offering a range of qualifications to utilise applied learning in project based and qualification activity.
It is envisaged that by 2020, the UK will need 820,000 science, engineering and technology professionals; with a significant 80% of whom will be required in the engineering field. The UTC helps to build a long-term talent base for the benefit of companies in the UK and abroad, including some 450 businesses in the automotive sector in the North West alone.
The immediate demographic of the UTC is in an area of comparable deprivation with Crewe being recognised as the most deprived town in Cheshire East Borough. The provision also accommodates learners from a broader geography, given its unique status in the Borough. In the most recent outcomes- all students graduating from the UTC continued into further education, employment or training- demonstrating the success of this approach.
The UTC brings particular strength in relation to working with employers, enabling employers to influence the curriculum and training offer and also its particular specialisms of Engineering and Design. As well as employer partners, the UTC also has a link with Manchester Metropolitan University to open up this pathway for interested students.
Key personnel involved in this project have experience and understanding of work across a transnational footprint and the benefits which sharing best practice can bring. Participants seek to develop their knowledge, understanding and practice to benefit young people at the UTC, whilst contributing their innovative approaches and strategic leadership, with proven outcomes and positive results.
The named representative, Karen Sudworth is the Vice Principal of the UTC and is committed to the vision of Achieving Outstanding through working with employer partners to truly bring learning to life and has been at the UTC since it’s opening in September 2017. She knows the learners well and understand their needs, as well as the expectations of employer partners. Mrs Sudworth takes the lead on employer engagement for the UTC and will be able to contribute to best practice and innovation which the UTC has trialled; whilst also being able to benefit from the ideas of other EROVET partners and their initiatives.
The UTC will benefit from a new Principal, Mr Liam McDaid from the start of the new academic year in September 2019. Mr McDaid has considerable experience in leading a successful UTC elsewhere in the North West, meaning that he will not only embrace the UTC model of education and workrelated learning, but also provide valuable contributions to the UTC’s contribution to the EROVET project from his past experience.
To demonstrate the buy-in from across all tiers of the organisation, George Hayes, a member of the Board of the UTC will also take a leading role in the UTC’s involvement with the project. He has previous experience of working with schools and training centres on international projects; ensuring that the considerations of students’ needs and expectations are always at the centre of plans and proposals. Most recently, Mr Hayes has led The Skills and Growth Company in Cheshire East, which has led on a number of European projects. He brings particular strength in relation to connecting the areas of education and employment successfully and will also be able to contribute to the compliance of the project with his considerable strategic leadership experience.