Erovet has launched its 5th newsletter

Do not miss the fifth Erovet Newsletter with news about the network and its partners! You will...

Erovet has launched its 4th newsletter

Do not miss the fourth Erovet Newsletter with news about the network and its partners! You will...

Erovet has launched its 5th newsletter

Do not miss the fifth Erovet Newsletter with news about the network and its partners! You will find them on:...

Erovet has launched its 4th newsletter

Do not miss the fourth Erovet Newsletter with news about the network and its partners! You will find them on:...

Counseling and Career guidance for VET graduates One of the key issues for graduates and young people in general, is the career choices that they have to make. These decisions are crucial for the future of young people as it is largely affecting the professional...

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Erovet Recent Tweets


Lille | September 2021

Komotini | October 2021

Vila Verde 

February 2022

Lleida | March 2022

Thiene | June 2022

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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida


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