EROVET + Transnational Meeting & Staff training activity in Spain

Lleida | February, 2022

The goals

  • For the students to master using the tools provided through the specialist workshops
  • For the students to apply their learning through creating a pitch and presentation for the judges and audience
  • For the students to gain recognition of their project, including key elements which are strong or require additional support (which may be provided through the Innovation Platform)
  • For the teachers to use the learning on elevator pitches and using technology to help future student projects within their own institution
  • For the teachers to learn from other partners innovative projects and how they might change their practices



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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida


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