EROVET+ Transnational Meeting in Turkey
Ankara | November, 2019

The goals
- Appointment of the members of the Steering Committee (SC)
- Decisions on the dissemination. Some members of the SC will be in charge of developing the dissemination plan and have them ready for the next MM.
- Decisions on the financial management.
- Revision of the schedule planned in section 4 (Implementation) and commitment from all members.
- Organisation of the first Training activity in The United Kingdom: The partner from the United Kingdom will be asked to present a draft of the venue, programme and contents.
- Organisation of the second Training activity in Greece: The partner from Greece will be asked to present a draft of the venue, programme and contents.
- Preparation of Result 4a: EROVET Excellence
- Preparation of Results 2a/2b
- Revision of the Impact indicators and agreements on their monitoring
- Confirmation of the constitution of the EROVET community including: performance framework, policies, stakeholders, structures and leads for each outcome.
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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida

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