Celebrating Europe
(Project leaders: Vilnius school of Commerce and Tourism and INS Escola del Treball)
During the first week of May, a closing event took place in Lleida. It was a special celebration with students, teachers and companies to recognize the work of EROVET, the individual institutions and most importantly, the students’ projects. The event began with a lecture done by Mr George Hayes, A world in Union. Afterwards, two students from each country took part in the event, showcasing their best project and presented it to the audience and the judging panel, after being trained on Entrepreneurial content. The projects were uploaded on the EROVET Innovation Platform to enable broader support and more success opportunities
The conclusion to this was an award of student’s projects and prize giving ceremony, where The Committee of EROVET grants all centres from a recognition as an Entrepreneurial Centre. The event was also important to strengthen the Project ties and expose the alliances among the external stakeholders who came to the event.

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