Erovet Job Pool
(Project leaders: Escola del Treball de Lleida and ORTAKOY 80.YIL MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI)
EROVET has created a platform on which job offers and requests for work can be posted and centralised. This platform will not only provide information, but also active support.
Through this platform, participants will not only have easy access to their local labour market but also to national and European ones. To do this, detailed information will be provided about job vacancies and other possible issues of interest.
*You must be registered in Erovet Job Pool for apply an offer.
How can a VET student or former VET student apply for a job offered on the EROVET JOB POOL?
How can my company offer a job to the EROVET JOB POOL?
You must be logged in EROVET JOB POOL to offer a job
Offer a job by filling in the online form below
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