Latest Job Offers
* Job seekers who are interested in a job offer can contact directly with the companies to apply for the job via contact details shared in the offer
Pastry chef for Greece
waiter, waitress, chef for Greece
Waiter, cafe bar attendant for Greece
Technician-car mechanic for Greece
Chemical technician for Greece
Hairdressing and personal image for Greece
Sales-consultant for Lithuania
Shop assistant or office work for Lithuania
IT Consultant for Lithuania
Warehouse worker for Lithuania
Air conditioning and refrigeration technician for Turkey
Air conditioning and refrigeration technician for Turkey
Foreign Trade Assistant for Turkey
Nurse for Turkey
Medical Secretaryship for Turkey
Bar Restaurant Technician for Portugal
Electricity Technician for Portugal
Cold and Climatize Technicians for Portugal
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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida
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