Companies registration online form


In which country is your company located?

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

1 + 13 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

2 + 15 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

8 + 10 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

13 + 13 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

9 + 9 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

14 + 14 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

13 + 7 =

Please, fill in the following information:

Do you use social media?

Which sector does the company belong to? What is its main activity? Please, choose one

14 + 3 =

Who will examine your application?

  • If your company belongs to one of the EROVET project partners countries (Lithuania, Portugal, Turkey, Germany, Greece, Italy or Spain) the EROVET partner entity in your country will examine the application for a final validation. 
  • If your company belongs to a country which is not a member of EROVET the coordinating entity will examine your application for a final validation.
In case you need more detailed information you can contact:

(Spain) Institut Escola del Treball: Ms Olga Castilla,

(Italy): IIS Des Ambrois: Mr Fabio di Evangelista,

(Greece): EPAL Komotini: Mr Georgios Giantsopoulos,

(Germany): Landkreis Osnabrück: Mr Jürgen Claus,

(Portugal): Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde: Ms Susana Oliveira,

(Lithuania): Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School, Ms Ramuné Vadeikytė,

(Turkey): Ortaköy 80, YiL Mesleki Anadolu Lisesi: Mr Ercan Küçükarslan,

(Other): Consorci GLOBALleida: Ms Maria Ruiz,

Would you like to be part of this?

<a class="et_pb_more_button et_pb_button et_pb_button_one">JOIN US</a>



Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida


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