To provide basic vocational education and recruitment for the young people who are at age of apprenticeship and dropped out of formal education.


To guide young people, who will be included in apprenticeship system, who will be in the process of choosing the appropriate profession.


To provide vocational training to young people in the age range 14-18 who are trying to build their future in a labour market.


To ensure about social security rights of young people in the labour market at 14-18 age range during their training process.


To determine the standards of assistant-master and master in various professions in country-wide.


To teach work and skills that cannot be gained in workplaces in laboratory – workshops which are enriched with course tools.


To ensure the development of professions of assistant-masters and masters with vocational courses.


To organise “Tutor Training” in workplaces for masters in order to create a better learning environment for apprentices.


To provide working discipline in business life.


To improve the cooperation between educational institutions and labour market in order to contribute to a certain order of working life.


To increase the technology, quality and efficiency of the jobs.



Turkey is one of the countries with the youngest population. About one out of three of the population is under the age of 18. Every year approximately 1 million children attend the education community. 10 to 12 out of 100 young people finish the university. Most of the remaining 90% of our young people continue to live in the absence of professional skills.

Apprenticeship Training is a form of vocational education which is shaped for the conditions of the day, individual and area. It is preferred not only in our country but also in developed countries because it can adapt to the conditions of the day and the technology of the age directly within the business life.


The benefits of the apprenticeship system are as follows:


Full employment after training.


It is about 1/5 more economical and efficient than formal education.


Ensuring the discipline of work in business life.


Benefiting from all social security rights as apprentice students.


Providing professional standards across the country.


Connecting a business opening to a certain layout.


Identifying the current professions based on professional analysis.


Increasing the quality and efficiency of the works.


Increasing the equal opportunities in education.



In our country, which is rapidly developing and industrializing, education has been accepted as one of the most effective and basic tools of development. Young people, whose numbers are expressed in millions every year, join the training community and this requires us to allocate more opportunities and resources to education.

One of the most important elements in industrialization is the training of producer manpower with knowledge, skills, work habits and high efficiency. Thus, it is obligatory to give importance to vocational and technical education which is a infrastructure investment in the development of industry and to increase the efficiency of this system. Nowadays, in vocational and technical education it is not possible to train qualified personnel just with the school system. The target of this training is to create a system in which the schools and the workplaces take responsibility, duty and authorisation collectively.



Fulfilling the functions of institutions in accordance with general purpose and basic principles of Turkish National Education regarding universal law, democracy and human rights.

Achieving a healthy, balanced and dynamic structure of human resources, education and employment relations in line with the objectives, principles and policies included in the development plans, government programs and national education decisions.

Providing a common general culture to young people and adults, recognizing and solving problems of people and society; gaining the awareness of contributing to the social, cultural and economic development of the country.

Ensuring attendance and contributions in educational management decision process at VET of local authorities, non-governmental organizations, public and private institutions, related chambers. Institutionalization of implementation and cooperation.

Structuring vocational and technical education schools and institutions as centres starting from the small settlements to be determined by the ministry in order to use the physical capacities of the educational buildings and personnel, equipment and other facilities in the most efficient and active way.

Gaining knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and work habits in accordance with their interests, wishes and abilities through formal, apprenticeship and general VET.

Training of qualified employee needed in business and service areas, updating vocational knowledge and skills with continuing education and acquiring entrepreneurship awareness with applied programs

Establishing of vocational and technical education zones which institutions associated with one or more vocational schools regarding the integrity and continuity of education programs. Cooperating in all fields of higher education institutions and conducting joint studies.

Providing employment for those who had trained vocational education.

Increasing the level of education of those employed by development and adaptation courses according to international standards and performances.

Presenting modern, scientific and high-quality education by using technology effectively and efficiently in VET duration.

Complying with international standards in education, production and service and encouraging certification in vocational education.

Implementation of modular training programs and adoption of lifelong learning and CVET by individuals.

Evaluation of qualifications gained in each environment and ensuring document integrity.

Adoption of planned and time management approaches based on love and aesthetic about human&nature, values of scientific thinking, productivity in the teaching process.

Taking behaviours in accordance with the principles of volunteerism, mutual respect, understanding, tolerance and etiquette to forefront among managers, teachers, students and parents.

Making evaluations objectively. Encouraging, supporting and rewarding the success.

Voluntary sharing of powers and responsibilities, keeping communication channels open.

Making managers and teachers an educational leader in the institution and business.

Recognition and consideration of extracurricular activities as an integral part of education.

Effective continuation of vocational guidance, continuous monitoring of technological developments.

The implementation, monitoring and storage of all kinds of operations in electronic environment.

Ensuring the integrity between VET programs and vocational colleges that are the continuation of these programs (Article 5 of the Vocational Technical Education Regulation).

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