
Apprenticeship training system in Turkey

Apprenticeship training system in Turkey

1. PURPOSE OF APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING To provide basic vocational education and recruitment for the young people who are at age of apprenticeship and dropped out of formal education. To guide young people, who will be included in apprenticeship...

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29 Nov, 2018
Managing the transition from school to work

Managing the transition from school to work

Managing the transition from school to work involves compiling offers in the transitory process from college to work and providing young people with the possibility of both vocational training and employment. The aims are as follows: To strengthen...

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17 Aug, 2018
Fostering entrepreneurship at vocational training centres

Fostering entrepreneurship at vocational training centres

In the present economic context, which is characterised by ever greater economic interaction at the international scale, constant technological innovation and increasingly tough competition, entrepreneurship has become a key factor for making...

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10 Jul, 2018
David‘s path- a success story of a quality Erasmus mobility

David‘s path- a success story of a quality Erasmus mobility

Erasmus has played a major role in the life of a young person, and this story, perhaps not exactly the same, but one of the many that can give people wings to discover themselves and achieve their goals and just be a happy and productive person creating wellbeing around them.

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14 Jun, 2018
Be employable… a matter of making the difference?

Be employable… a matter of making the difference?

We almost finishing another school year and almost 200 EPATV students are now wishing for a place in the job market after many years of investment in their training. At this time, we can turn ourselves to our students and ask them: what can you do to be “employable”?

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18 May, 2018
School – Labor market partnership model

School – Labor market partnership model

The Project aimed to co-operate companies with vocational schools which provided an educational program in the company’s respective field of activity with a view to promote youth access to employment and foster qualified human capital required by...

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30 Apr, 2018
International work/study exchange programs

International work/study exchange programs

International work/study exchange programs Introduction IISS Des Ambrois is an upper secondary school with several core courses of study:  humanities lyceum, scientific lyceum, scientific/sport lyceum, touristic technical institute, graphics and...

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13 Mar, 2018
Apprenticeship in Vocational Education in Greece

Apprenticeship in Vocational Education in Greece

Apprenticeship 1.1. Definition The term “apprenticeship” is used to describe the educational system in which the learning period alternates between workplace and educational structure. The trainee holds an apprenticeship agreement with the...

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14 Feb, 2018

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