EROVET Transnational Meeting in Lithuania
Vilnius | November, 2017

The challenge
To constitute the EROVET community: presentation, policy and desired stakeholders.
To appoint the members of the Steering Committee, take decisions on the plans, communication, web page and programme contents, as well as to establish the working groups.
To prepare result 1 (Orientation resource bank) doing a brainstorming on the existing orientation resources in each country of the EROVET partners.
Development of entrepreneurship competences through international competitions of VET students
VET Centre Zirmunai has been a member of AEHT (Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools) for almost 20 years. The association gathers around 400 hospitality sector schools from more than 40 countries.
A new European research group on VET has born
EROVET is a group of VET stakeholders united to foster youth employability.
1st Erovet transational meeting in Lithuania
The first transnational meeting was held in Lithuania on November 5, 2017.

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