EROVET Together
(Project leaders: UTC Crewe and Lycée Gaston Berger)
EROVET Together will provide a framework for joint innovative projects among partners. This will
be the base for training centres to involve students in the creation and development of real and
sustainable projects related to the curriculum on an international footprint. EROVET Together will
provide a protocol (steps to follow) and documents to use (templates) that will facilitate the
development, the prototyping for such work, as well as the evaluation of the projects.
be the base for training centres to involve students in the creation and development of real and
sustainable projects related to the curriculum on an international footprint. EROVET Together will
provide a protocol (steps to follow) and documents to use (templates) that will facilitate the
development, the prototyping for such work, as well as the evaluation of the projects.
We are happy to announce the Internationalization results we have achieved with the EROVET+ project
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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida

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