Entrepreneurship label
(Project leaders: GLOBALleida and Vilnius tourism and commerce school)
We aim to officially recognise VET training centres that follow a strategic line related to the promotion and development of entrepreneurship and initiative, in order to provide added value to them.
The EROVET Entrepreneurship label has 4 phases. Each applicant must submit a report that includes items and evidences related to entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity; check for the different phases and decide for which phase the report will be submitted.
The EROVET Label Committee will be in charge of validating, certifying and issuing the recognition. Processes of revision and renewal are also be taken into account.
In the near future, a protocol will also be established in order to standardise this validation at the European level.
Later on, when the period of submitting opens, the instructions and the space to submit the report will be enabled in this section.
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