The second online meeting of the EROVET+ project took place on 5th November with the attendance of all partners. 


Due to the pandemic restrictions, a new schedule of the activities of the project was agreed. A revision of the state of the output followed, with the good news that the EROVET Job Pool has been launched. A job offer has already been published with more to follow in the next days.

The EROVET EBM course is already taking shape and very soon students belonging to the EROVET+ community will be able to follow the course, take the tests and obtain the EROVET+ certificate. 

Finally, proposals for the EROVET Innovation platform and the EROVET Finding your way video were presented to the steering group and they were discussed and accepted.


A lot of work still to do to reach the EROVET+ targets and outputs with the strong commitment of the network partners!

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