(Project leaders: i.i.s des ambrois and Landkreis Osnabrück)

Successful cases of work-based learning

EROVET aims to identify cases that have proved successful either from the point of view of the training centres or the companies involved. The dual system is already well-implemented in Germany, but it is not so well-developed in some of the other countries involved in the EROVET project.

A guide has been designed on successful cases of WBL in order to provide readers with cases in which the scheduling, training content to be offered in companies, selection of trainees, training of tutors and/or other issues have been particularly successful. It will therefore be of great help when it comes to implementing the dual system in some of the training centres involved in this project.

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Institut Escola del Treball (Project Coordinator)
Tel. 973 23 15 49
Carrer de Pi i Margall, 51, 25004 Lleida
25005 Lleida


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